Those abbreviated/3 word MAX text mssgs you boys just LOVE to send to us females HAVE GOT TO STOP...
Have no clue what im talking about?...well here then, let me show you an example:
boy: "hey beautiful"
girl: "heyyy, how are you?"
boy: "ok..u?"
girl: "im good, cant complain...what you been up to?"
boy: "nuttin..wyd?"
girl: "nuthin just got out of work..so happy to be out...you?"
boy: "word, me 2"
girl: "how was work?"
boy: "same ol same"
:: cricket noises ::
I was minding my own DAAAAMN business (kevin hart voice..lol)going about my daily life, when you and your bland ass text messages decided to frustrate my day. YOU texted ME, yet im carrying the conversation and you're replying in one syllable words. Why did you even text me??..I didnt sign up for this conversation. If you are a male, 25 yrs & older and can not formulate a full blown sentence and/or carry a conversation, then our future is doomed. Matter fact, its pretty much non-existant. Endangered, before it became a species, status. If you're that boring over text and then claim that you dont like to talk on the phone because you're not a "phone person", then what makes you think that this is going to work?
Secondly, lets talk about the ones who take FOREVER to text/call back ....you all are just plain ol' mean.... Do ya'll even realize the amount of anxiety that builds up with every minute we havent heard from you. In a 20 minute time span the average person probably looks at their phone like 829 times just waiting for that incoming call/text. In some severe cases, there are times where we may go a day or two without hearing from our other after sending them a text. Now that is when ish gets really real and what I like to call...."The 4 Stage Struggle" hits. Which might sound REAL familiar to some of you..lol...
1.) Anxiousness- constantly checking the phone
2.) Anger- "wtf is taking him so long?!?"
3.) Fear- "omg i hope he's okay, what if something happend to him?"
4.) Anger (again)- "OHHH WOOOOWWW!...that n!gga was just on facebook...yea im done with him"
and then FINALLY the text we have been patiently waiting for arrives...
boy: "hey beautiful..whats up, i miss you.. what you doing tonight?"
girl: "heyyy :) ..i miss you too..im not sure yet...most likely just stay in" --( notice how she's not mad anymore..lol)
...........3 LONG HOURS LATER.......................
boy: "o ok..i feel u"
.......................*&%$%^$** !!!! ....REEEEAAAALLY?!?!........I JUST WAITED ALLLLLL THAT TIME FOR THE PHONE LIGHT TO BLINK RED (because i was really hoping you would ask me to chill)..FOR 5 DAMN WORDS!! ...Now, not only am I aggrivated that you took forever to answer back, I'm also confused because I dont know what the hell to write back to your dead end response. Chances are im not gonna say anything & imma just go be mad somewhere..lol
Dont get me wrong..I can be "understanding". Maybe you were busy helping your sister with her car problem or watching your neices & nephews or doing something real wholesome and sh*t......or maybe you just plain suck at texting. Whatever the case may be, dialogue needs to happen in real life 2011. With texting, bbm, twitter & facebook ruling the world, people are truly forgetting how to speak & engage in conversations. That, along side consistency , make up the most important parts of the relationship, yet those elements tend to be over looked almost all of the time. Guys, all we're pretty much asking is for you to pick up the phone & just have a conversation with your lady...thats it. A phone call is not a marriage liscense so stop being so prideful...ladies you too!
And while we're on the subject of phone etiquette, fellas please try not to call us with the music blasting in the background while your driving either. Its bad enough that you sound like your in a damn wind tunnel because you have us on speaker phone while your on the highway. But now I have to sit there & try to figure out what hell your saying with "Imma Boss" blaring in the background. That whole move is real 2003'ish
For those that really dont do the full blown text mssg convos...a cute text saying "just wanted to let you kno you were on my mind" will do the trick....FOR NOW. But it'll only hold her over for about a day or two. Now dont get me wrong, Im not saying call each other every SINGLE day but keep it practical. But if you like each other it honestly shouldn't even matter who calls who, how many times, just as long as communication is relevant.
So pick up the phone & get them teenage butterflies in your stomach going & cheese hard as hell when you get that phone call from your special boo :)
Until next time my beautiful SMS texting people...
Call Me,
-Ruthie G.
Dam woman! who u be dating!?! lmaoo but ur right! we r super lazy! i use that all the time im not a "phone person" and i def be quick to type short text if the convo is not intriguing enough for me! All and All women need to step up there game and speak the hell up! just like u like sweet lil text messages we want a woman that is going to tell us what she wants and when she want it! It dont hurt to initiate and say! " i was thinkin about you today, can u come by to see me or can i come by to see u?" its 2011 We are on an EVEN playing field!
LOL! I loved this gamma!
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