Sunday, July 22, 2007


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Welllllllll after months of contemplating if i should do this or not...guess who decided to make a BLOG-A-ROO!!!...I know i know, some of you who personally know me are probably thinking "Ruthie a BLOG?!..she cant even return phone calls or hold a convo on AIM" after reading some other interesting bloggers..and there are many!..kudos for them for the inspiration =0)....i always have a brain overload on all the music info..talented ppl [in my opinion] & random BS that i feel i should just share..& i never do..instead i bore my poor friends to death about all these new tracks they need to download & all these new & upcoming rappers that spit that, "did u just hear what he just said!?" now i have an outlet to go run rampid let me just dive into it:

I am with no shame a hip hop head bad that i think its starting to take over my i miss a new track by 50 or never heard an ol school R&B song by the greats of miss Mary J. Blige...i automatically go into nerd overdrive & get onto my music searching know some of u can relate!!....hopefully it will one day be my career..i got dreams ya’ll…lol…BUT LETS GET INTO THE GOOD STUFF…..i got my good ol goonie connects at [where I like to call, HIP HOPS HOME] … def will be seeing this in about every get used to it & JOIN, JOIN, JOIN!! a moderator over their & humbly..the *1st Lady* so proud of that site in many ways than one..i've been down wit them since 04' when they were then called, DaPhatSpot.Com...some of you have probably seen videos linked by them...if ya ever see a video in somewhere land on the net & theirs that lil OS bold italic logo in the right bottom hand corner..u know where the goodness came from!! people their are like family to me...& goodness gracious are they funnnnaayyy..the boys that run that good ol site work real hard to supply that Vital Hip Hop Information for you Everday life..haha [its ALL THAT..ayeeee] a dork...but yes...know you know who i am & what im about...=0)

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stay ziplock fresh kids.

-Ruthie G.


Anonymous said...

i think youre shaping up to be a very intersting woman, thats beyond a dope girl.. youre about to hit grown woman status so dont hope it becomes your career, GO for it.. cause now is the time..

Anonymous said...

my new favorite blog created by my old favorite cousin!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GirLLL....u alreadii kno!!! It was veryyyy good!!! Keep 'em comin!!!!
