I've always had this complex way of thinking...(hence, the name of my blog, The Pharcyde...im always thinking with The Pharcyde of my brain) Maybe its the Virgo in me that causes me to over analyze certain situations. Whatever it is, 2 constant thoughts keep coming to mind. #1 being my fear that my career will be a job i absolutely dread everyday of my life and i'll never do what i wanted to do. Thought #2 is the fear of never knowin what my knack in life was. I always have the lingering question in mind "what is my special talent in life and will i ever discover it?". There's so many things in this world that a person could do, whether its doing hair, playing the piano, singing, rapping, painting etc. But how will i discover it? & will i ever get the chance too? Hopefully someday, somehow i will...if i havent already...who knos..
Whats your knack in life?

P.S. Here's a few pics from the good ol' Blackberry again...i really need to invest in a camera..lol.. :)

Remember to always see the beauty in the small things in life..discovery keeps the mind fresh.
-Ruthie G.